The Wide Shot with Ryan Faughnder

Featuring: Ryan Faughnder, entertainment business reporter for the Los Angeles Times’ Company Town

Paul Dergarabedian
Paul Dergarabedian
Senior Media Analyst

This week host Paul Dergarabedian is joined by Ryan Faughnder, an entertainment business reporter for the Los Angeles Times’ Company Town.

Listen as Ryan shares how his brand-new newsletter, The Wide Shot, will benefit the film industry during a time where things are constantly changing in the business. Then stick around as Ryan and Paul discuss the ever-changing strategies for film distribution!

This episode covers:

  • How The Wide Shot newsletter is serving the needs of the entertainment industry
  • The challenges of creating and curating an industry newsletter
  • What has changed in the film industry in the last year
  • How a company’s distribution assets affect its release schedule
  • Why certain streaming services are more popular than others

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