Use Comscore Campaign Ratings to Validate Audiences With Precision In-Flight

Matthew Wiesemann
Matthew Wiesemann
Senior Manager, Marketing
A global alcoholic beverage brand uses Comscore Campaign Ratings as currency to ensure LDA compliance.

LDA compliance for the alcoholic beverage category is crucial, and CCR reporting affirms where PC & Mobile tracked ads exceeded the 85% LDA requirement. Are you ready to learn what CCR can do for your cross-platform ad campaigns?

The Scenario

A major alcoholic beverage client seeks to use CCR to optimize campaign outcomes and demonstrate compliance with government LDA standards.

The Solution

Number 1

Step 1

Implement CCR using Comscore’s easy-to-append digital tag to capture valuable campaign delivery metrics across both standard age and gender and extended demographic audiences.

Number 2

Step 2

Measure the complete campaign flight to maximize Reach to age-appropriate consumers by focusing on partner inventory that meets or exceeds regulatory requirements for 21+ visitors.

Number 3

Step 3

Validate the holistic campaign with in-flight monitoring of key Reach and Frequency metrics to ensure campaign delivery against the target LDA compliant cohort.

The Results

Real-time campaign data allowed the client to make adjustments and optimize campaign outcomes in real time.

  • Currency-grade CCR reporting providing the client with confirmation that all publisher partners were meeting the 85% in-target LDA standard for A21+ Reach.
    • NBC served 90.55% of impressions to A21+ across PC/Mobile inventory
    • YouTube served 89.92% of impressions to A21+ across PC/Mobile inventory
CCR Validate Audiences With Precision In-Flight

Source: Comscore Campaign Ratings – National – Blinded Client Study Q2-Q3’23