- 2022年9月7日

Comscore and Captivate Make the Case for Incremental Ad Spend in DOOH

Diane Williams
Diane Williams
Senior Director, Out of Home Media
Lorenzo Papa
Lorenzo Papa
Chief Revenue Officer

Brands continue to allocate more ad dollars towards digital out-of-home (DOOH) with predictions that global ad spend will reach almost $27 billion dollars by 2025.

The opportunity to effectively reach and engage consumers outside the home is growing increasingly important in a fragmented media landscape. Independent third-party measurement is fueling the integration of DOOH into omnichannel media plans.

As such, Captivate engaged Comscore to provide weekly measurement across their network of office building, luxury residential, and golf course digital media assets. For the first time, agencies can confidently transact against date-specific, venue-level impressions and audience reach data for DOOH ad inventory.

Over the next few months, Captivate's network-specific audiences will appear in Comscore's Plan Metrix Multi-Platform, the leading digital planning tool used by omnichannel agencies. This move will provide in-depth context to viewers of Captivate's inventory for both direct and programmatic buys as well as comparisons to traditional digital advertising. Comscore's data expands beyond impressions to dimensionalize the targets across demographics, audiences, and behaviors.

In anticipation of Captivate's data appearing in Plan Metrix, subscribers can currently leverage DOOH venue category data. The current Plan Metrix data includes 20 DOOH venue headings so users can target viewers to video screen ads in a variety of locations including office buildings, shopping malls, gas stations, college campuses, and more. A proxy target for Captivate can be created by combining headings for people who viewed video screens with ads in office building lobbies, office building elevators and golf carts. And the new intel is enlightening.

For example, brands targeting business and financial leaders can increase their campaigns' reach by adding Captivate to the media mix. Comscore's data shows their proxy audience1 is 66% more likely to be Business Decision Makers2 and 52% more likely to be Financial Influencers3 compared to the general online population.

And this same research shows the majority of these office building and golf cart media consumers are not being reached by some of the largest digital business and financial news publishers. Only 39% of Captivate's proxy audience was reached by Yahoo Finance Network4 in the past month and Forbes Digital5 reached only 20%.

Luxury automotive brands should consider Captivate as well. Comscore's data shows this audience is 195% more likely to purchase a large luxury vehicle in the next 6 months6, and 174% more likely to purchase a prestige luxury vehicle7 compared to the general online population.

Linear television is missing many of these consumers. Only 42% of Captivate's proxy audience report watching ABC, CBS, or NBC television8 in the past 7 days and the leading business cable channel CNBC9 reached only 13%.

Previously, it's been difficult for DOOH networks to tell these stories alongside and/or in comparison to other digital media. Comscore Plan Metrix changes the landscape and provides a level playing field for DOOH to capture incremental dollars. Additionally, agencies will have better control and deeper insights into planning and performance measurement of their client DOOH campaigns.

Captivate and Comscore are leading the charge towards true omnichannel planning and buying.

To learn more about Comscore Plan Metrix, register for a demo here.


1. Captivate Proxy (lobby, elevator, golf) | 18+ yrs old (Total Audience) AND (Saw video screen ad (in golf cart) OR Saw video screen ad (in office building elevator) OR Saw video screen ad (in office building lobby)) | CUSTOM TARGET

2. Business Purchase Decisions | Involved in business purchase decisions or recommendations totaling $1,000 or more in last 6 mo | Yes (involved/bus purchase/last 6 mo) | INDEX 166

3. Opinions / Attitudes / Behavior | Frequently advise others on Financial Information (frequently advise others on) | INDEX 152

4. Yahoo Finance Network | REACH 39.3%

5. Forbes Digital | REACH 20.0%

Plan Metrix Key Measures July 2022 | Base: U.S. pop age 18+ with mobile web & app access:

6. Auto | Type of vehicle likely to purchase in next 6 mo. Large luxury (plan to buy in next 6 mo) | INDEX 295

7. Auto | Type of vehicle likely to purchase in next 6 mo. Prestige luxury (plan to buy in next 6 mo) | INDEX 274

8. Custom Target | ABC/CBS/NBC TV watched/last 7 days ABC/CBS/NBC TV watched/last 7 days | REACH 41.7%

9. Traditional Media | Television | Cable channels watched in last 7 days CNBC (watched/last 7 days) | REACH 12.7%