- 23 dicembre 2011

Nearly 17 Million Read News Online in Spain

In Spain, newspapers sites reached nearly 70 percent of the total internet audience in November 2011. The online presence of Elmundo.es was the leading site in the category attracting 7.7 million unique visitors. Elpais.com followed as a close second with 7.6 million unique visitors and 20minutos.es ranked as the third most visited newspaper website in Spain with 4.6 million unique visitors during the month. La Vanguardia was the fourth largest newspaper online and attracted 3.4 million unique visitors.

The ranking slightly changes when looking at time spent per person on these websites. Users spent nearly 43 minutes per person on Elpais.com, followed by 38 minutes per person on Elmundo.es during the month. La Vanguardia takes third position in this ranking, with users spending 25.4 minutes per visitor during November 2011.

Top 5 Newspaper Sites Spain November 2011

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