Comscore 举张镇中先生为董事会成员

RESTON, VA, 2011年9月6 – Comscore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR),世全球领先的数字媒体调研机构,今天宣布其董事会选举张镇中先生成为其董事会董事。张先生的任命将弥补由于Bruce Golden先生同日宣布辞去Comscore董事会董事职位所造成的空缺。Bruce Golden先生从2002年6月起,一直是Comscore董事会成员之一。

Comscore的总裁兼CEO,Magid Abraham先生说“张先生成为Comscore的董事之一让我感到非常欣喜,相信他会带来他对数字媒体市场目前和今后发展方向深入的了解。我们相信,张先生在多个国家,多个地区,特别是在中国和亚太地区的多家高科技、媒体公司资深的运营经验, 将为Comscore全球发展计划提供宝贵的指引。

张镇中先生现任世通华纳传媒控股有限公司的CEO兼董事长。世通华纳是目前中国最大的公交移动电视传媒集团。张先生目前还担任管理咨询和私募投资公司GC3 & Associates International的董事长起管理合伙人,该公司专于提供高科技、媒体公司的策略的计划和执行。在2003到2010年间,张先生还担任过Neustar集团公司的执行董事长,该公司致力于亚太地区网络系统的集成服务。从1998年到2000年,张先生是隶属于New Corporation的星空传媒 (Star TV) 董事长兼总裁,Star TV是一家在亚洲、印度和中东地区拥有超过3亿观众的,领先的多频道卫星电视网。张先生还在Hughes Electronics和McDonnell Douglas公司担任过高管职位,在Apple Computer Inc., Agile Software Corporation, DirectTV, News Corporation and Palm, Inc.担任过董事职位。他目前还在Neustar, Inc担任董事。张先生毕业于California State University-Fullerton,并获得B.A. 学位,并从 Pepperdine University毕业获得M.B.A.学位。

Comscore的执行董事长Gian Fulgoni先生提到,“Bruce Golden在担任了近10年Comscore董事后,将离开董事会,Comscore由衷地感谢Bruce Golden先生为Comscore作出的贡献。Bruce是我们早期的投资者之一,他针对新兴公司的经验,在过去10年中对Comscore成长、发展起到了直观众的指导。Bruce以及Accel Partners为Comscore提供了深思熟虑的建议和指导,从而使Comscore从一家Startup成为了数字媒体衡量的全球领先者,就此表示由衷的感谢。”

About Comscore
Comscore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) 是测量数字世界的全球领袖,也是数字营销分析的首选来源。 Comscore利用其数据、分析和软件实现充分地衡量在线广告、受众,并提供媒介计划、网站分析、广告效果、创意测试、社交媒体、搜索、视频、媒体交叉、电子商务和其它各种新兴的数字媒体和用户行为,从而让客户更好地了解、利用并受益于快速发展的全球网络和移动领域。 通过自身发展的茶品,以及通过并购获得的Nedstat, Nexius XPlore, ARSGroup and Certifica,目前在全球超过 1,800个客户使用。其中包括AOL, 百度, BBC, Best Buy, Carat, Deutsche Bank, ESPN, Facebook, France Telecom, Financial Times, Fox, Microsoft, MediaCorp, Nestle, Starcom, Terra Networks, Universal McCann, Verizon Services Group, ViaMichelin, Yahoo!.


Cautionary Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including, without limitation, the expected benefits of the appointment of Gareth C.C. Chang to Comscore’s Board of Directors. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially, including, but not limited to, Comscore’s reliance on its management team and key personnel to grow its business.

For a detailed discussion of these and other risk factors, please refer to Comscore’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2010, Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended June 30, 2011 and from time to time other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), which are available on the SEC’s Web site (

Stockholders of Comscore are cautioned not to place undue reliance on our forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date such statements are made. Comscore does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements to reflect events, circumstances or new information after the date of this press release, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Bill Daddi
Daddi Brand Communications