2025 State of Programmatic Report
Comscore today announced that its Scorecard Research service has earned the highest possible rating of 50 out of 50 for its online privacy practices by PrivacyChoice, a leader in privacy technology innovation. PrivacyChoice evaluated ScorecardResearch on five major categories: Anonymity, Boundaries, Retention, Choice and Oversight and found that ScorecardResearch demonstrated the best practices across all five categories. The practices that were evaluated are described in the ScorecardResearch privacy policy.
ScorecardResearch’s 50 out of 50 Privacyscore helps in turn to boost the Privacyscores of companies who use Comscore’s third-party site tagging, delivering a clear benefit to consumers and others in the online ecosystem that are mindful of responsible privacy practices.
In accordance with PrivacyChoice’s recognition, Comscore has also become the first company to display the badge featuring its Privacyscore, giving publishers, app developers and consumers confidence that Comscore is an industry leader in its approach to online privacy. The badge has been placed on the ScorecardResearch site. This recognition is important because it comes amidst significant changes in the U.S. online privacy landscape, with regulators and lawmakers becoming increasingly interested in educating consumers about their online choices. In the past year, the Comscore privacy team has worked with PrivacyChoice to present information about our practices in a manner that clearly communicates to the consumers how we steward the data we collect for market research purposes. Through our collaboration with PrivacyChoice we have been able to improve our already strong privacy standards to truly ‘best in class.’
Comscore strongly believes that technology companies should take a leadership position on issues of consumer privacy to both protect consumers and foster an environment built on trust where businesses can continue to innovate and create value for customers. Our Privacyscore of 50 out of 50 is not only testament to our continued commitment to consumer privacy protection, but it also helps deliver value to our clients by ensuring that they, too, can achieve the highest possible Privacyscore when they work with us.